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Duplicate Posters After Renaming Title


In the event the posters are meant to be 1 poster

During the renaming process, you may see 2 posters for the same movie. Verify the names are both the same in the Theater Toolkit Portal > Overrides. If so, please allow the site some time to process the changes.

Refresh Global Cache:
  1. If the duplicate poster still exists after an hour, you can try refreshing the cache in the Theater Toolkit Portal.

    1. Start with Refresh Content as it is the fastest to resolve. If that does not work, proceed to 1.2.
    2. Use Refresh Global Cache. Allow up to 15m and check if the duplicates still exist.
  2. If the duplicate poster still exists at this point, please inform us at
    Admin Portal Dashboard Buttons 2.png

In the event you wish you wish to have multiple poster

If you want the films to be separated and have different posters, make sure the 2 films have different Movie Titles in either the POS system or in the Theater Toolkit Overrides along with the associated posters.


In the event the posters are still compiled in 1 poster, please repeat steps 1 + 2 in the initial section (Refresh Global Cache).

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