Duplicate Posters After Renaming Title
In the event the posters are meant to be 1 poster
During the renaming process, you may see 2 posters for the same movie. Verify the names are both the same in the Theater Toolkit Portal > Overrides. If so, please allow the site some time to process the changes.
Refresh Global Cache:
If the duplicate poster still exists after an hour, you can try refreshing the cache in the Theater Toolkit Portal.
- Start with Refresh Content as it is the fastest to resolve. If that does not work, proceed to 1.2.
- Use Refresh Global Cache. Allow up to 15m and check if the duplicates still exist.
If the duplicate poster still exists at this point, please inform us at support@theatertoolkit.com
In the event you wish you wish to have multiple poster
If you want the films to be separated and have different posters, make sure the 2 films have different Movie Titles in either the POS system or in the Theater Toolkit Overrides along with the associated posters.
In the event the posters are still compiled in 1 poster, please repeat steps 1 + 2 in the initial section (Refresh Global Cache).